My mouse story yesterday reminded me of the mouse about three months ago. Just when we were getting ready to show the house we started seeing signs that mice had taken up residence in our house. Danny saw one run across the room, and holes started appearing in food containers.
It was again the middle of the night, and I got up for a drink. Returning to my room, something ran across my foot on the way back in the dark. I jumped and hoped that it got the message it was unwanted and went back out the way it came.
I was almost back to sleep with my feet outside my sheets when again, something ran across my feet! I really kicked that time, but I was too sleepy to get out of bed and try to do something about it. Not that I had any idea of what to do anything. I hoped it wouldn't chew on my shoes.
I was woken out of sound sleep not long after by very loud gnawing sound. That mouse was chewing on a piece of wood somewhere in my room! The noise and my perterbation of mind would not allow me to go completely to sleep.
I fished for something unbreakable from my bedside table. I threw a stuffed animal at my door. The sound stopped and I almost fell asleep before it started. Several pens, notebooks, and even a book followed Eeyore, but the space of quiet grew smaller after each one. I finally covered my head with my pillow and slept the best I could. (Don't ask why I didn't turn on the light or open the door. I was mostly asleep and not thinking clearly!)
The gnawing continued for at least an hour and probably more like two or three. Finally morning began and my parents woke up. My mom opened the door and asked me what that noise was.
"A mouse chewing on something," I answered sleepily.
She exclaimed over it and shut the door. I waited with some anxiety for the chewing sound to start again, but it never did.
A couple of hours later I woke up again feeling slightly better rested. When I got up a mess greeted my eyes. About an inch up and running parallel with the bottom of the door was a foot long and inch wide groove of pale wood! Under it my carpet was covered with wood shavings.
That mouse must have been just as happy as I was when Mom opened that door!
That mouse's end of residency was not as merciful as last night's. We set several traps and caught one invader. There have been no other signs of other inhabitants until yesterday.
Saturday, December 31, 2005
Friday, December 30, 2005
Chronicles of a Mouse at Midnight
I had an adventure last night! I was in the bathroom getting ready for bed at about 12:30. In the midst of brushing my teeth I felt something move by my foot. I squealed and danced back, catching a glimpse of something black.
I anxiously looked around for a big jumping bug of some sort and contemplated jumping into the tub to escape! When I didn't see anything, I cautiously began brushing my teeth hoping that it had been my imagination. Then I caught a movement. A tiny gray mouse was running along the bottom of the door, trying to find a way out.
I couldn't think of anything to do, so I continued to watch it. It must have come into the bathroom before I did. It kept glancing over at me then trying to squeeze under the door to get out.
It was very cute, and I started to feel sorry for it. It looked so scared as it started climbing the door frame looking for an out anywhere. At the same time I held a strong conviction that a mouse did not belong in my bathroom running over my feet!
The mouse finally reached the top of the door frame and couldn't go any higher. It sat on the inch wide ledge and poked its nose into the corner as far as it would go. I watched it shiver there as I finished everything I needed to do before bed.
I realized that had I been thinking quickly I should have turned the garbage can over it while it was still on the floor. I didn't want to leave it there while I went to find a trap or something because it would probably be gone when I got back. I emptied out the trash can into a bag in order to better house Mr. Mouse, but then I couldn't figure out how to encourage him to take up residence. I wasn't about to touch him!
Finally, I gave up and called my dad, which woke up both my parents since I wasn't about to leave him to flee when my back was turned.
Dad knocked him into the trash can with a hanger and suggested that I throw him out the second story window.
I couldn't do that. I merciful walked him out and released him by the street. He gratefully ran the opposite direction as soon as a dumped him and that was the last of Mr. Mouse! (Hopefully he didn't leave any friends and relations boarding!)
I went to bed with a smile.
I anxiously looked around for a big jumping bug of some sort and contemplated jumping into the tub to escape! When I didn't see anything, I cautiously began brushing my teeth hoping that it had been my imagination. Then I caught a movement. A tiny gray mouse was running along the bottom of the door, trying to find a way out.
I couldn't think of anything to do, so I continued to watch it. It must have come into the bathroom before I did. It kept glancing over at me then trying to squeeze under the door to get out.
It was very cute, and I started to feel sorry for it. It looked so scared as it started climbing the door frame looking for an out anywhere. At the same time I held a strong conviction that a mouse did not belong in my bathroom running over my feet!
The mouse finally reached the top of the door frame and couldn't go any higher. It sat on the inch wide ledge and poked its nose into the corner as far as it would go. I watched it shiver there as I finished everything I needed to do before bed.
I realized that had I been thinking quickly I should have turned the garbage can over it while it was still on the floor. I didn't want to leave it there while I went to find a trap or something because it would probably be gone when I got back. I emptied out the trash can into a bag in order to better house Mr. Mouse, but then I couldn't figure out how to encourage him to take up residence. I wasn't about to touch him!
Finally, I gave up and called my dad, which woke up both my parents since I wasn't about to leave him to flee when my back was turned.
Dad knocked him into the trash can with a hanger and suggested that I throw him out the second story window.
I couldn't do that. I merciful walked him out and released him by the street. He gratefully ran the opposite direction as soon as a dumped him and that was the last of Mr. Mouse! (Hopefully he didn't leave any friends and relations boarding!)
I went to bed with a smile.
Thursday, December 29, 2005
Oh my goodness. I am shocked. (I didn't include exclamation points because this in not happy shock.)
I was doing research for my site Classic Stories for Christian Children, when I came across Kingdom Identity Ministries doctrinal statement. Please don't look it up. I don't want to send them any extra traffic. The only reason I'm including the link is so that I don't commit plagiarism.
I didn't know that people believed this kind of thing any more. Has anyone heard of this before?
I was doing research for my site Classic Stories for Christian Children, when I came across Kingdom Identity Ministries doctrinal statement. Please don't look it up. I don't want to send them any extra traffic. The only reason I'm including the link is so that I don't commit plagiarism.
WE BELIEVE God chose unto Himself a special race of people that are above all people upon the face of the earth (Deut. 7:6; Amos 3:2). These children of Abraham through the called-out seedline of Isaac and Jacob (Psalm 105:6; Rom. 9:7) were to be a blessing to all the families of the earth who bless them and a cursing to those that curse them (Gen. 12.3). The descendants of the twelve sons of a Jacob, called "Israel", were married to God (Isa. 54:5), have not been cast away (Rom. 11:1-2), have been given the adoption, glory, covenants, law, service of God, and promises; are the ones to whom the messiah came (Rom. 9:4-5) electing out of all twelve tribes those who inherit the Kingdom of God (Rev. 7:4, 21:12).They go on to say that the US is where God has called His people.
WE BELIEVE that the New Covenant was made with the Children of Israel, the same people the Old Covenant was made with (Jer. 31:31-33; Heb. 8:8-10) in fulfillment of the mercy of promised our forefathers (Luke 1:72).
WE BELIEVE the White, Anglo-Saxon, Germanic and kindred people to be God's true, literal Children of Israel. Only this race fulfills every detail of Biblical Prophecy and World History concerning Israel and continues in these latter days to be heirs and possessors of the Covenants, Prophecies, Promises and Blessings YHVH God made to Israel. This chosen seedline making up the "Christian Nations" (Gen. 35:11; Isa. 62:2; Acts 11:26) of the earth stands far superior to all other peoples in their call as God's servant race (Isa. 41:8, 44:21; Luke 1:54). Only these descendants of the 12 tribes of Israel scattered abroad (James 1:1; Deut. 4:27; Jer. 31:10; John 11:52) have carried God's Word, the Bible, throughout the world (Gen. 28:14; Isa. 43:10-12, 59:21), have used His Laws in the establishment of their civil governments and are the "Christians" opposed by the Satanic Anti-Christ forces of this world who do not recognize the true and living God (John 5:23, 8:19, 16:2-3).
WE BELIEVE in an existing being known as the Devil or Satan and called the Serpent (Gen. 3:1; Rev. 12:9), who has a literal "seed" or posterity in the earth (Gen. 3:15) commonly called Jews today (Rev. 2:9; 3:9; Isa. 65:15). These children of Satan (John 8:44-47; Matt. 13:38; John 8:23) through Cain (I John 2:22, 4:3) who have throughout history always been a curse to true Israel, the Children of God, because of a natural enmity between the two races (Gen. 3:15), because they do the works of their father the Devil (John 8:38-44), and because they please not God, and are contrary to all men (I Thes. 2:14-15), though they often pose as ministers of righteousness (II Cor. 11:13-15). The ultimate end of this evil race whose hands bear the blood of our Savior (Matt. 27:25) and all the righteous slain upon the earth (Matt. 23:35), is Divine judgment (Matt. 13:38-42, 15:13; Zech. 14:21).
WE BELIEVE that the Man Adam (a Hebrew word meaning: ruddy, to show Blood, flush, turn rosy) is father of the White Race only. As a son of God (Luke 3:38), made in His likeness (Gen. 5:1), Adam and his descendants, who are also the children of God (Psalm 82:6; Hos. 1:10; Rom. 8:16; Gal. 4:6; I John 3:1-2), can know YHVH God as their creator. Adamic man is made trichotomous, that is, not only of body and soul, but having an implanted spirit (Gen. 2:7; I Thes. 5:23; Heb. 4:12) giving him a higher form of consciousness and distinguishing him from all the other races of the earth (Deut. 7:6, 10:15; Amos 3:2).
WE BELIEVE that as a chosen race, elected by God (Deut. 7:6, 10:15; I Peter 2:9), we are not to be partakers of the wickedness of this world system (I John 2:15; James 4:4; John 17/9, 15, 16), but are called to come out and be a separated people (II Cor. 6:17; Rev. 18:4; Jer. 51:6; Exodus 33:16; Lev. 20:24). This includes segregation from all non-white races, who are prohibited in God's natural divine order from ruling over Israel (Deut. 17:15, 28:13, 32:8; Joel 2:17; Isa. 13:14; Gen. 1:25-26; Rom. 9:21). Race-mixing is an abomination in the sight of Almighty God, a satanic attempt meant to destroy the chosen seedline, and is strictly forbidden by His commandments (Exo. 34:14-16; Num. 25:1-13; I Cor. 10:8/ Rev. 2:14; Deut. 7:3-4; Joshua 23:12-13; I Kings 11:1-3; Ezra 9:2, 10-12; 10:10-14; Neh. 10:28-30, 13;3, 27; Hosea 5;7; Mal. 2:11-12).
I didn't know that people believed this kind of thing any more. Has anyone heard of this before?
Wednesday, December 28, 2005
Grand Idea
I have an idea that I'd love to work on when Grandma comes to stay with us. I want to put together a website or CD that has our family tree. Clicking on any person in it will take you to a personal or nuclear family page. That page will give you the basic facts of their life and more. There will be sound files of interviews with the person if they are living. Samples of any writing that they do. Sound or print stories from their life from themself or others.
Our family tree goes back thousands of years. It would be fun to include stories of some of the more historically well-known figures. Perhaps include facts about the different time-periods. Maybe make a list of important things that occurred during their lifetime and artwork from their time and place.
Any other ideas of things to include?
Our family tree goes back thousands of years. It would be fun to include stories of some of the more historically well-known figures. Perhaps include facts about the different time-periods. Maybe make a list of important things that occurred during their lifetime and artwork from their time and place.
Any other ideas of things to include?
Tuesday, December 27, 2005
Christ Loved the Church
We went to a Bible study at the Markovich's tonight. My convicting quote of the night comes from Shane Johnson. It was in context of dealing with the question of how to answer someone who says, "This church just doesn't meet my needs." One side is to remind them that the Bible never tells us to assemble together to get our own needs met. Shane's thought dealt with the other side.
When we assemble together I should be asking, "Lord, who do you have for me to minister to?
Monday, December 26, 2005
Prayer Answer
Uncle Jim and Aunt Fina decided to put off their trip to Brazil until the beginning of February. So Grandma can stay with them until then, which leaves us the 30 days our seller wants to move, plus a week to unpack and settle in.
God is good!
God is good!
Images of Success
I came across this quote from Napoleon Hill today:
I was trying to figure out if this is applicable in the life of a Christian. Is it Godly to imagine for me to imagine the "spiritual giant" that I want to be? Won't that lead to spiritual pride? After all, I am imagining all the characteristics that I admire most. As I see myself at least partially attaining them, won't I take pride in that? I suppose the answer is not if I keep a realistic view of my sinful nature, and God's grace.
But I wonder... in the Bible, isn't it Christ's image that we are supposed to keep before us? Spiritual growth is growth in Christ-likeness. (1 Peter 1:15-16)When we get to heaven our sanctification will be finished because we will be like Him. (1 John 3:2)
So maybe, for my spiritual "success" at least, I need to be holding an image of Christ "long enough and steadily enough in my mind's eye." Keeping in mind always that His power is enough to do the job of my sanctification, and that it will not come without effort, struggle, and sacrifice (to pull in some other Napoleon Hill and Scriptural ideas).
Not that this is any big surprise or discovery. It's just coming at the concept from a different angle. Trying to think through the spiritual implications of a worldly idea.
Hold a picture of yourself long and steadily enough in your mind's eye, and you will be drawn toward it.He's saying to keep an image of who you want to be, your success, in front of yourself, and eventually you will attain it.
I was trying to figure out if this is applicable in the life of a Christian. Is it Godly to imagine for me to imagine the "spiritual giant" that I want to be? Won't that lead to spiritual pride? After all, I am imagining all the characteristics that I admire most. As I see myself at least partially attaining them, won't I take pride in that? I suppose the answer is not if I keep a realistic view of my sinful nature, and God's grace.
But I wonder... in the Bible, isn't it Christ's image that we are supposed to keep before us? Spiritual growth is growth in Christ-likeness. (1 Peter 1:15-16)When we get to heaven our sanctification will be finished because we will be like Him. (1 John 3:2)
So maybe, for my spiritual "success" at least, I need to be holding an image of Christ "long enough and steadily enough in my mind's eye." Keeping in mind always that His power is enough to do the job of my sanctification, and that it will not come without effort, struggle, and sacrifice (to pull in some other Napoleon Hill and Scriptural ideas).
Not that this is any big surprise or discovery. It's just coming at the concept from a different angle. Trying to think through the spiritual implications of a worldly idea.
Sunday, December 25, 2005
Merry Christmas!
- most un-politically correctly - to you and yours!
May this Holy-day be an extra reminder of the greatest Gift from the Giver of all spiritual blessings. Ephesians 1:3
May this Holy-day be an extra reminder of the greatest Gift from the Giver of all spiritual blessings. Ephesians 1:3
Narnia Warlord
I saw The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe for the second time today with my parents and Danny. (My mom's first and my dad's second time at a movie theater!) I enjoyed it greatly as before. I think I cried more this time than the last time! I'm very impressed with the children's acting abilities.
One image that jumped out at me was Peter leading the troups into battle. Kings don't do that today. Rulers sit back where they can watch over everything, and direct others into danger.
There's a quick panaramic shot that shows the True Narnians at the beginning of their charge toward the witch's army. From above you can see a point of white, Peter on the unicorn, pointing his sword and leading the way. The rest of his army streams back on either side leaving him at the apex.
It made me think of our spiritual battle against sin and Satan. We don't have a king who directs the battle from a safe distance. We have a warlord who is leading us into the battle on a white horse (think Revelation 19:11), fighting with us. Even in us. He fought the key battle of the war in single combat. And He can't lose! What kind of power is that?
If God is for us, who can stand against us!
One image that jumped out at me was Peter leading the troups into battle. Kings don't do that today. Rulers sit back where they can watch over everything, and direct others into danger.
There's a quick panaramic shot that shows the True Narnians at the beginning of their charge toward the witch's army. From above you can see a point of white, Peter on the unicorn, pointing his sword and leading the way. The rest of his army streams back on either side leaving him at the apex.
It made me think of our spiritual battle against sin and Satan. We don't have a king who directs the battle from a safe distance. We have a warlord who is leading us into the battle on a white horse (think Revelation 19:11), fighting with us. Even in us. He fought the key battle of the war in single combat. And He can't lose! What kind of power is that?
If God is for us, who can stand against us!
Saturday, December 24, 2005
"Holiday Greeting (After the Lawyers are done...)"
My mom got this in a newsletter quoting from HSI Baltimore. Enjoy!
Please accept with no obligation, implied or implicit our best wishes for an environmentally conscious, socially responsible, low stress, non-addictive, gender neutral, celebration of the winter solstice holiday, practiced within the most enjoyable traditions of the religious persuasion of your choice, or secular practices of your choice, with respect for the religious/secular persuasions and/or traditions of others, or their choice not to practice religious or secular traditions at all...and a fiscally successful, personally fulfilling, and medically uncomplicated recognition of the onset of the generally accepted calendar year 2006, but not without due respect for the calendars of choice of other cultures whose contributions to society have helped make America great, (not to imply that America is necessarily greater than any other country or is the only "AMERICA" in the western hemisphere), and without regard to the race, creed, color, age, physical ability, religious faith, choice of computer platform, or sexual preference of the wishee.
(By accepting this greeting, you are accepting these terms. This greeting is subject to clarification or withdrawal. It is freely transferable with no alteration to the original greeting. It implies no promise by the wisher to actually implement any of the wishes for her/himself or others, and is void where prohibited by law, and is revocable at the sole discretion of the wisher. This wish is warranted to perform as expected within the usual application of good tidings for a period of one year, or until the issuance of a subsequent holiday greeting, whichever comes first, and warranty is limited to replacement of this wish or issuance of a new wish at the sole discretion of the wisher.)
Grandma Story
A few weeks ago Uncle Jim and Aunt Fina left Grandma alone for 45 minutes. She decided to go across the street to visit an acquaintance, not recalling that the lady passed away two months ago.
When no one answered the door she left and turned the wrong direction coming out. She can't see, really, so once she did that she was completely lost. Then she tripped and counldn't get back up. She called for help until someone came. That person called the police for her because she didn't know where she lived.
Uncle Jim arrived home a few minutes later. When he didn't find her he rushed outside to see a police car driving slowly by shining a flashlight around. Uncle Jim flagged him down and said, "I'm missing a 94 year old lady!"
The police officer reconnected them and no one was the worse for wear, thank the Lord.
But Grandma can't be left alone.
When no one answered the door she left and turned the wrong direction coming out. She can't see, really, so once she did that she was completely lost. Then she tripped and counldn't get back up. She called for help until someone came. That person called the police for her because she didn't know where she lived.
Uncle Jim arrived home a few minutes later. When he didn't find her he rushed outside to see a police car driving slowly by shining a flashlight around. Uncle Jim flagged him down and said, "I'm missing a 94 year old lady!"
The police officer reconnected them and no one was the worse for wear, thank the Lord.
But Grandma can't be left alone.
Prayer Request
My parents signed a contract to buy the house I mentioned a couple of days ago. We're all excited, and the packing has started seriously, now.
There's one, not major, issue that we could use some prayer about. We need to move so that Grandma can stay with us. She's with Uncle Jim in Missouri right now, but he's leaving for Brazil with Aunt Fina on January 9th. Then she'll stay with Uncle Bud, but Aunt Shirley will be starting work again on January 17th. Grandma can't be left alone for long, but Uncle Bud can't run a medical practice if he's popping back to the house every 45 minutes.
We were hoping to be moved and a little settled by that point, but the seller is wanting to wait beyond 30 days before handing over possession. I guess it's a financial problem - she doesn't have the money to pay down on an apartment because all her money is tied down in the house.
Anyway, please pray that things would come through for the lady quickly and that we would be able to get moved soon so that Grandma can come stay with us without any difficulty on anyone's part.
There's one, not major, issue that we could use some prayer about. We need to move so that Grandma can stay with us. She's with Uncle Jim in Missouri right now, but he's leaving for Brazil with Aunt Fina on January 9th. Then she'll stay with Uncle Bud, but Aunt Shirley will be starting work again on January 17th. Grandma can't be left alone for long, but Uncle Bud can't run a medical practice if he's popping back to the house every 45 minutes.
We were hoping to be moved and a little settled by that point, but the seller is wanting to wait beyond 30 days before handing over possession. I guess it's a financial problem - she doesn't have the money to pay down on an apartment because all her money is tied down in the house.
Anyway, please pray that things would come through for the lady quickly and that we would be able to get moved soon so that Grandma can come stay with us without any difficulty on anyone's part.
The Great Story - All To His Glory
I found a cool link yesterday from one of my favorite authors. John Eldridge wrote "The Sacred Romance". He also wrote "Epic", and the site Epic Reality talks about it.
Story, he says, speaks to the heart in a way that very little else does. The Bible is a story... the greatest Story. But our lives often seem purposeless, because we have lost track of that Story. We don't know our place in.
"Epic" was written to help us find our place in that Story again. Actually, most of John Eldridge's books deal with that. It looks like "Epic"'s differentiation is as an evangelistic tool. (Here's something new to go on my wishlist!)
Reading through Epic Reality yesterday reminded me to look for my focus again. I have been placed here and now "for such a time as this."
It's a daily struggle, though, to make sure that I'm fulfilling God's purpose rather than my own selfish desires. John Eldridge's books describe our Beloved's Enemy very well, but they don't deal with the enemy within. My flesh very effectively distracts me - no outside influences necessary.
Like James says, "Each one is tempted when he is drawn away by his own desires."
Thank God that my flesh has been crucified (Galations 5:24) and Christ now lives in me (Galations 2:20) to fulfil His purpose.
And what is that purpose? "That we who first trusted in Christ should be to the praise of His glory." (Ephesians 1:12)
Story, he says, speaks to the heart in a way that very little else does. The Bible is a story... the greatest Story. But our lives often seem purposeless, because we have lost track of that Story. We don't know our place in.
"Epic" was written to help us find our place in that Story again. Actually, most of John Eldridge's books deal with that. It looks like "Epic"'s differentiation is as an evangelistic tool. (Here's something new to go on my wishlist!)
Reading through Epic Reality yesterday reminded me to look for my focus again. I have been placed here and now "for such a time as this."
It's a daily struggle, though, to make sure that I'm fulfilling God's purpose rather than my own selfish desires. John Eldridge's books describe our Beloved's Enemy very well, but they don't deal with the enemy within. My flesh very effectively distracts me - no outside influences necessary.
Like James says, "Each one is tempted when he is drawn away by his own desires."
Thank God that my flesh has been crucified (Galations 5:24) and Christ now lives in me (Galations 2:20) to fulfil His purpose.
And what is that purpose? "That we who first trusted in Christ should be to the praise of His glory." (Ephesians 1:12)
Friday, December 23, 2005
Oh. My. Gosh, Becky! Look at her Bible!
Morris family Christmas party tonight. Paul showed us this music video - Baby Got Book. Hilarious! Check it out!
Wednesday, December 21, 2005
Tuesday, December 20, 2005
Ambitions and Homes and Ambitious Homes
I've realized recently that if I'm going to get anything on this blog I'm going to have to ignore the lofty ambitions stated in my profile. If I ignore them maybe I'll occasionally come up with something grand. If I don't ignore them I won't come up with anything.
That said, here's the latest on the Morris family house hunt. We visited one this evening that my dad is probably going to put an offer in on. Here it is. Dad's struggling with all the emotional upheaval of major decision making.
The house is good because we won't have to do any immediate work when we move in. My favorite part is that it backs onto a creek and woods! I would have loved that when I was little. I used to always daydream about living in the middle of the forest and all the adventures I would have.
Then I'd draw pictures of the amazing house I would build. Features like an indoor pool with an underwater entrance to a secret room! I don't remember anything else as creative as that. Most of my other efforts went into size and interior decorating.
Ah, well. My aspirations aren't so grand anymore. In fact, I really wouldn't like a house that huge. Not unless I were operating an orphanage or school, like Jo and her Professor in Little Men
That said, here's the latest on the Morris family house hunt. We visited one this evening that my dad is probably going to put an offer in on. Here it is. Dad's struggling with all the emotional upheaval of major decision making.
The house is good because we won't have to do any immediate work when we move in. My favorite part is that it backs onto a creek and woods! I would have loved that when I was little. I used to always daydream about living in the middle of the forest and all the adventures I would have.
Then I'd draw pictures of the amazing house I would build. Features like an indoor pool with an underwater entrance to a secret room! I don't remember anything else as creative as that. Most of my other efforts went into size and interior decorating.
Ah, well. My aspirations aren't so grand anymore. In fact, I really wouldn't like a house that huge. Not unless I were operating an orphanage or school, like Jo and her Professor in Little Men
Monday, December 19, 2005
Chinese music
I've been enjoying some music from a recital at Kashgar Teacher's College that my friend, KashgarKid, in Northwest China videoed a month ago. The Uighurs (pronounced wee-ger) that he talks about are a Muslim, Central Asian people group, with about six million members in Xinjiang Province in China. If I go ever go back to China, that is where I want to go.
Enjoy, all you music lovers!
Enjoy, all you music lovers!
Sunday, December 18, 2005
Christmas Program
I had a wonderful evening tonight. Westlake Bible Fellowship had our Christmas Program tonight. I sang "Rise Up, Shepherd" in the choir directed by Todd. Peggy, Jenelle, Debbie, and I sang "Oh, Holy Night" and "Mary, Did You Know?" together. It was very exciting! I'll post some pics later.
Everyone said we sounded great, though I know a messed up a couple times. "Mary" was a little too low for my voice. I've thought I was an alto for a long time, but I came to the conclusion over the past semester, being more involved in singing again, that I'm a mezzo-soprano.
The whole evening was fun. Everyone was ready to be pleased. The Sunday School classes were adorable, as usual. Todd and Christian had encouraging messages to share about our hope in Christ and the reason for His coming.
Everyone said we sounded great, though I know a messed up a couple times. "Mary" was a little too low for my voice. I've thought I was an alto for a long time, but I came to the conclusion over the past semester, being more involved in singing again, that I'm a mezzo-soprano.
The whole evening was fun. Everyone was ready to be pleased. The Sunday School classes were adorable, as usual. Todd and Christian had encouraging messages to share about our hope in Christ and the reason for His coming.
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