Monday, February 27, 2006

My weekend

I had a relaxing weekend. Friday I took Grandma for a ride past her old house in the afternoon. Then we all went out to the Royal Buffet for dinner. Grandma loves to go out to eat and we hadn't done it in a while.

It was a first for us at Royal Buffet, and I heartily recommend it. It's the best Chinese buffet that I've been to. They have sushi and a hibachi grill too, which I loved. (The hibachi - the sushi was so-so.)

I like the place so much that I went back with Peggy on Saturday night for dinner! She came over in the afternoon, we went to dinner, then to Davis's concert with the Akron Symphony Orchestra in the evening. Then the three of us went out for coffee afterwards.

I enjoyed the concert. The timpani concerto was particularly fun! My second favorite played was the second movement of Tchaikovsky's 5th Symphony.

I got home around 1 am, then woke up about 6 and only dozed after that until it was time to get up Sunday morning. Grandma had decided that she wasn't going to go. (Same thing as last week, she stewed herself sick worrying over it.) I tried tapping on her. (Check out EFT.) But every time I tapped somewhere she jerked and said, "Oh dear." I wasn't quite sure how do be more effective with it!

When she saw we were really going to leave her there alone, she decided at the last minute (or last 5 minutes) to go. I know we've all been praying that she would all week, and I think God was really working on her heart.

We went out to lunch, since Grandma wanted to. And to try to associate good things with going to meeting on Sunday. I slept for two hours in the afternoon. And I stayed with Grandma through AWANA. I enjoyed the time with her. I played the piano badly. We sang hymns and I read aloud a while. (Killed my voice, reading so loud!) Two things that we both enjoy greatly. (Except for the dead voice part!) And it went by very quickly.

So ends a quiet weekend.

Saturday, February 18, 2006

I Missed my Wedding Day!

Oh no! LOL!

Back in December Jenelle had a dream about me. In her dream I sent an email to everyone announcing my sudden engagement to... ummm... someone! (Ask me in person.) I wrote that my wedding day was February 18th, which panicked Jenelle because she has another wedding to go to on that day. (Probably the reason for the dream - I hope! No prophetic dreams allowed here!) It's been a running joke for us ever since.

Joined the Gym

Well, I've jumped on the bandwagon. Seems like everyone I know (okay, four!)has started exercizing and being careful about food lately. I finally decided I needed to do something to motivate myself, so I signed up to use the fitness center at LCCC. The orientation session was this morning - 8am on Saturday, bleah. So I can start working out this week.

Lot's Wife

I was forwarded a list of funny Sunday School stories. This one I particularly enjoyed. (Reminded me of a friend in college who used to talk about how the telephone pole jumped in front of his truck!)

The Sunday School teacher was describing how Lot's wife looked back and turned into a pillar of salt---- when little Jason interrupted, "My Mummy looked back once, while she was driving," he announced triumphantly, "and she turned into a telephone pole!"

Friday, February 17, 2006

Quote of the Day

I don't confuse greatness with perfection. To be great anyhow is the higher achievement.
Lois McMaster Bujold, Mirror Dance

Thursday, February 16, 2006

My favorite Korean Poem

I got a new bookcase in my room tonight. While I was organizing books I came again upon a poem I discovered a couple of years ago. It is by Korean Buddhist Han Yong-un, translated by Kang Young-hil and Frances Keely.
I Do Not Know

There is no wind
yet quietly
the odong tree drops leaves
each leaf is worked around
in scallopped embroidery...
          where is the embroiderer?

After long dark rains
the west wind clears
a shining rim
between dark clouds
it is like the smile of a face...
          whose face?

This forest is so deep
no flower can grow and yet
about these ancient solitary towers
a sense of fragrance
          whose fragrance?

Brooks of unknown source
and destiny send currents
darting hither and thither
that pick out songs
from roots and stones...
          whose song?

At the seaside when
down to the cliffs
the lotus feet rush
and up to the infinite
long jade fingers
it is a sunset picture... beautiful...
          who is the artist?

In the ash of my lampbowl
old oil spurts anew
my breast not knowing how
to stop burning
trims its watchlight... waiting...
          who is expected?
Love it! Here is another translation. I don't like it so well, but the meaning is clearer. (Like reading the KJV, then the NIV!) This was translated by Kim Jai-hiun and Ronald Hatch.
I Do Not Know

Whose step is the paulownia leaf that falls silently in vertical wavelets against the windless skies?

Whose looks are these patches of blue that peep through the cracks in the dark, lowering clouds, driven by the west wind after a long rainy spell?

Whose breath is this subtle scent that wafts through the green moss on an old and flowerless tree to lure the quiet sky above an ancient pagoda?

Whose song is this little brook that continuously runs, no one knows from where, purling over the pebbles?

Whose ode is the flush of sunset that graces the dying day as it steps, soft as a lotus bloom, on the infinite seas and touches the edgeless sky with its delicate hands?

The burnt-out ashes turn to fuel again. Whose little lamp is my heart that burns, flickering all night long, I know not for whom?
WyzardWays has another translation of "I Do Not Know" and discusses it's Korean images and it's historical setting.

Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Quote of the Day

It was never what I wanted to buy that held my heart's hope. It was what I wanted to be.
Lois McMaster Bujold, Memory

Tuesday, February 14, 2006


Okay, that's out.

Grandma dried dishes tonight and did a very good job of it. We've been kind of putting her off when she offered since she arrived, worried about the state of our dishes. But Dad, Mom, and I had a conversation yesterday about the importance of her continuing to feel useful. So when she offered tonight I decided, with trepidation, to accept. And there was no problem. She has a pretty good sense of what she can and can't do, strength-wise. (Memory is another issue, but we won't talk about that this time!)

I need to sit down sometime soon and brainstorm a list of activities that she can do.

Happy Valentine's Day

to each and every one of you!

Monday, February 13, 2006

Baby Names

For some reason I started thinking about names that I like the other day. I think the title of Jessica's post, "For my future daughter," triggered the train of thought.

Anyway, here are some ideas I put together a while back.

Zoe Lenore
Addy Renee
Ekaterine Joanne
Honor Louise
Havalah Renee

Jonathan Dwight
Isaiah William
Micah Daniel
Israel Leroy

Quote of the Day

If you're trying to take a roomful of people by surprise, it's a lot easier to hit your targets if you don't yell going through the door.
Lois McMaster Bujold, Warrior's Apprentice

Time Flies with Grandma!?

Wow! Can't believe it's been almost two weeks since I posted. Unpacking, working, and caring for Grandma have been filling up my time. I'm must be getting comfortable with her since today I'm on the computer while I'm talking to her.

"So who was working around here in the kitchen earlier?"

"That was Kathy, Grandma."

"Now are any of you Don's children?"

"Danny and I are Don and Kathy's children."

"Oh. Now Kathy is the one who was working around here this morning, right?"

"Yes, Grandma."

"She seemed to be doing all of the work around here for such a long time this morning."

"Well she was the only one home this morning, Grandma."

And this is about the third time that basic conversation has taken place! Oh, well. We love her. That helps lessen the frustration when she asks the same question for the tenth time in an afternoon. You just accept that that's Grandma and you can't expect something different.

Other things she remembers wonderfully well. She quoted Isaiah 53 to me three times last night! (We would continue talking about the chapter each time and she would forget that she just quoted it to me!)

And she remembers that there is a lot of snow outside.

("Now is Kathy Don's wife?" "Yes, Grandma." 46th time since arrival!)

Thursday, February 02, 2006

Toddler Tyrants

By the way, I've said before that three year olds are terrifying. Now I know the hidden truth that proves it! Check out "When Genevieve Ruled the World".


My nanny job is going better. I enjoy my two little boys. Nathan is spoiled, but fairly compliant. Now that he's over crying every time I arrive, and throwing a tantrum when his mom leaves, and when she comes back, there are no real issues!

Tuesday we were putting some toys away (a task we've been focusing on lately), and he thanked me for taking care of him and John. This from an almost three year old! He's so sweet!

I pray every day as I go in that I will be an influence for the Lord in their family.

Quote of the Day

Some prices are just too high, no matter how much you may want the prize. The one thing you can't trade for your heart's desire is your heart.
Lois McMaster Bujold, Memory

Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Quote of the Day

The dead cannot cry out for justice; it is a duty of the living to do so for them.
Lois McMaster Bujold, Diplomatic Immunity