Monday, November 27, 2006

Personality Test

You Are An INFP
The Idealist
You are creative with a great imagination, living in your own inner world.Open minded and accepting, you strive for harmony in your important relationships.It takes a long time for people to get to know you. You are hesitant to let people get close.But once you care for someone, you do everything you can to help them grow and develop.
You would make an excellent writer, psychologist, or artist.

HopiQ posted the link to this.

Sunday, November 26, 2006

New phone

At the beginning of November I got a new phone with a camera. I just figured out how to mobile blog (as you can see!), so I'm sending all the pictures I took through the month! I'm pretty impressed with their quality. It was hard to tell on the tiny phone viewing screen.


I got into an accident on the way to work on November 7th. I was pulling to a stop behind a pickup. The car behind me rear-ended me. I swerved to avoid the pickup and scraped the front passenger side. Here are photos of the damage. Mirror is hanging down, as is muffler, and the trunk can't open.

I haven't heard back yet from the insurance company on what they're paying. Hopefully enough for a new-to-me car, and then some!

Trip to the zoo

I took the little boys I take care of to the zoo November 9th. I was a gorgeous day!

Saturday, November 25, 2006

Trek Reward Party

Our first reward party for Trek - junior high AWANA, back in October.

Daniel, DJ, and Roger are on the bottom, Merc and Jocob in the middle, and Julia on top!

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Story out of China

I recieved this true story out of China from a friend today.

"'Little Red' met for prayer several times each week with her mother and other Christian women of their rural village. They would pray for the gospel in China, and when Little Red went to the city for college, they prayed that she would meet some American missionaries. Almost immediately, she found the couple who told me this story, and began spending time at their house, learning and also reading fairy tales such as "The Ugly Duckling" and Max Lucado's You Are Special.

"One day as Little Red sat at the front door of the home, 'June' walked by. June held a high office in the Communist Party, and prided herself in the fact that she was able to get any religious people (including Christians) to renounce their faith in order to work at the companies she controlled. That day June happened to drop her wallet, and Little Red, in an act of honesty rarely seen in China, picked it up and returned it. June, surprised by this barely-literate country girl's actions, began talking with her, and eventually befriended her, taking her around in her chauffeured vehicle. However, when June offered Little Red a high-paying position with the usual compromise, Little Red declined, and instead shared her testimony and the gospel with June.

"Over the next weeks, June kept talking to Little Red, and re-offered the job several times, always with the same response. This had never happened before, and June could barely believe that such character could be found in a poor country girl. June began to tell her business and Party contacts of this incredible young woman. Skeptical, her friends arranged a meeting where they offered Little Red a briefcase full of U.S. currency to say she didn't believe in Jesus Christ. To all but June's amazement, she turned it down, and again shared the reason for her faith.

"June has not yet trusted in Little Red's God, but has gone so far as to conference with movie producers about filming her story. They decided it could not be done because of the political problems it would bring them. Similarly, June's position and the financial and political consequences hold her from surrendering to the sovereign God of the universe. But at the current rate, Little Red's unwavering faith, backed by her mother's prayers, could convince June yet."

Please pray for "Little Red" and "June".