Sunday, January 08, 2006

Random Babblings on Routine

Back to a normal Sunday again. It was great to go to Awana and then to Meng's to play games. I've missed that over the holidays.

Funny how I used to hate routine. Now it's a life saver that smoothes down most of the rough edges of life.

Flylady (who was my life-changing find of 2005) focuses on routines to get your life (and house) in order. It takes discipline to stick to them, but they give you freedom to accomplish what is important instead of being dragged down by all the everyday things that never get done.

I remember rebelling from the discovery, when I was in college, that there is no time when I can let go of spiritual, mental, and emotional vigilance. Now routines are providing the means I always struggled with to manage that vigilance.

Here's a quote by Julie Andrews on the subject. I've attached it to my computer where I'll see it everyday.
Some people regard discipline as a chore, but I see it as a kind of order that sets me free to fly.

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