Friday, April 07, 2006

Hello, my name is Becki and I'm a sugarholic

But I'm 10 days straight and counting! Actually, Jen told me that a treat every ten days would not be a big deal, so I indulged last night at the Ladies' Time Apart. It was good but I'm glad to be back to a normal diet.

Actually, having no refined sugar was a lot easier than I expected considering how much I had been eating. It's just a matter of a change of attitude... a change of belief, I guess. If I see chocolate, I can't look at it and think how good it would be. If it enters my consciousness I can't more than glance, and think, "I don't eat that anymore."

Kind of like sin actually. If you dwell on some temptation, it becomes almost impossible to pull away. You have to turn away immediately.

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