Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Car Issues

I finally got my car driveable on Thursday. It just required having the muffler fastened up so it didn't drag. I had been waiting for insurance money to come through, but I finally was notified that my claim was denied because the driver was uninsured for that car. Thank the Lord I'm covered for uninsured drivers. But now there's another whole process to go through with my agency.

Now the car is having another set of problems. When I tried to take it to be fixed it wouldn't start. My dad charged the battery. SundayI stopped at a store for five minutes. My mom was in the car and turned off the engine, leaving the lights on. When I came back it wouldn't start. Roger came and picked us up for AWANA. When we came back later to jump it, it started up without a problem! Crazy car!

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